With a background in Digital Tourism I have to say that I expected to find some pretty good maps when googling for ‘Digital maps Australia’.
As we are in the planning stages I am trying to find out which roads are sealed and which roads are NOT! Sounds easy right? Haha. I have now been googling for 3h and I didn’t have much luck at all.
So instead of just dumping things into Evernote (my giant digital notebook) I thought I would create this post as I am sure I am not the only one looking for this type of information.
From Cairns to Northern WA
I find this map provided me with good info re: sealed and unsealed road.
Download the sealed/unsealed map from ThisIsOurAustralia.com
Download from Savanah Way website
The below map is another map they said provides more details. I found the one above more useful.
Download the detailed map from ThisIsOurAustralia.com
Download file from Savannah Way website
Queensland specific information
- Queensland government webpage that lists a lot of helpful information about driving in Queensland
- Highway and motorway report updated hourly
- Guide to Queensland roads with a detailed downloadable map with sealed vs unsealed roads.
GPS Mapping software for computer
- OziExplorer (Windows) – many caravanners use this system (unfortunately we are on mac…)
- Basecamp from Garmin (Windows and Mac) – I don’t know anyone who uses this system
Hey Fabie, We crossed the Simpson Desert in 2011 – thanks to Ipad app Mudmap. We were happy with it with the built in GPS that works well also when you have no network!
unfortunately, this is quite of an expense! and as my Ipad doesn’t have anymore the latest version OS, it isn’t compatible with the app new updates and in other words the AUS$60 or AUS$120 invested in the time no more usefull two yeas later!
>print map + compass is “out of battery” free, usefull in remote areas
Hey Fabie,
You might want to download this little gem of an app too – I use it regularly when hitting the road into the great unknown!
Lists of user-generated campsites with up-to-date information on the best places to camp for $’s and for free.
Thanks Ben! Yip I should really list Wiki camps on this page! I initially started it to list all the digital maps that could be used on a computer but I will add a section about the apps as well 🙂