Our 200 series Toyota Landcruiser is fitted with Clearview Towing Mirrors.
Like many people who start towing caravans or big trailers on our nations streets and highways, we wasted good money on cheap and nasty clip on/strap on mirrors that end up flying off as a truck passes in the opposite direction then being run over by the next passing car, scratch the paintwork on your vehicle, vibrate like jackhammer or fall to bits due to poor quality materials. One man with a great idea set out to change the way we see things and make towing a much safer reality. Meet Mike Cowan, the owner and inventor of Clearview Towing Mirrors.
Mike came up with the business idea ten years ago after producing a pair of mirrors (his first) for his Landcruiser 80 series. Soon enough one friend asked him to build a pair then his friend’s friend and on and on it went. Four years later and after pouring his life and savings into the business, he had refined his product and was selling Australia’s first OEM replacement towing mirror and as they say ‘the rest is history’. Ask any caravanner and they will tell you that Clearview is the only way to go.
Mike gave us an in depth tour of the workshop where we learnt about the intricacies of the development, CAD design, manufacturing, powdercoating/chroming and fitting of the mirrors. Warrick was very impressed with the attention to detail he puts in his product, from the rubber seal that fits between the mirror body and vehicle to prevent water ingress and vibration to the size and shape of the main and blind spot convex mirror.
Mike truly is a genuine Aussie bloke who had an idea and turned it into an Aussie success story. Despite being the boss, travelling the country attending tradeshows and managing the business, he still finds time to fit the mirrors personally in his Melbourne workshop. He actually fitted ours on our visit (see the pics in the photo gallery). We are very happy we finally made the leap to Clearview and after 5 days of driving around with them fitted there is no way we could every go back to anything else.
Read more about how the Clearview towing mirrors work. You can also buy the mirrors directly from their website and they get shipped the same day via courier.
I first came across Clearview mirrors some years ago now, at the Melbourne Caravan Show.. I was at the show representing the Australian Caravan Club and was looking around for new products that might be of interest and a benefit to our members. When I came across the Clearview mirror stand, it was interesting to note the large number of people interested in not only the product itself, but also of the intricacies and design. They were fitted to the